
Carnelian Bolo Ties

Carnelian Stones Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony and is a micro-crystalline quartz. It appears in a vibrant range of fire-orange reds to brown-reds and has a dull, waxy luster (as opposed to the vitreous quality of crystal quartzes such as amethyst). The reddish tints in the translucent stone are due to one of its ingredients: iron oxide.

Named after the red-orange Kornel cherry, carnelian was believed by the Romans to be a stone of courage--able to shore up confidence and strength. In ancient Egypt, the stone was placed on mummies to assist the dead in their journey to the afterlife. In contemporary times, carnelian is thought by some to enhance self esteem, to combat feelings of inadequacy, and to increase physical energy.

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Naked Carnelian Bolo Tie

Naked Carnelian Bolo Tie
